The application allows you to control the temperature of your home directly from your smartphone.The smartphone control of your chronothermostat will allow you to see the home temperature wherever you are, change the daily and weekly programmingYou can manage your IoT chronothermostat without having to create an account, in complete protection of your privacy.To associate a feel chronothermostat with the Crono feel application, enable the chronothermostats WiFi by acting directly from the display:Touch HAND, to turn on the display, touch MENU to display the Chronothermostat menu, touch the ARROW TO THE RIGHT several times until the WiFi symbol flashes, touch OK to confirm, the word INIT appears, touch OK to set the chronothermostat in mode HOTSPOT.The geolocation function will send you a notification indicating the state of your feel when you leave the house, to avoid waste, reducing consumption or when you are returning to the house, so as to give you the opportunity to decide what temperature to find at home.